What is Areola Bleaching?

People nowadays are more conscious about their body and sexuality. They are concerned about their physical appearance and they will do anything just to make themselves feel comfortable and confident. For some, it is part of their job to look good and have even skin tone.

But for others, it is merely for aesthetic reasons. They just want a more even skin tone. It is such an embarrassment for them to notice that their tops and areolas are distinctively darker. Though, for some, it is but natural to have it depending on their race, however for others, it might be due to hormonal changes. These hormonal changes are from childbirth and breastfeeding. The reason why they want to lighten their intimate areas is to feel more youthful. Having pinkish tops and areolas can make them feel more attractive and sexually desirable.

Areola Bleaching

There are ways to lighten the tops and the areolas using whitening cream and other products and procedures. This called areola bleaching. It is a process of applying whitening products on the tops to achieve relatively fairer skin tone.

This process is very similar to vaginal and anal bleaching. Some spas may offer the service for a complete package for bleaching intimate areas. Mostly they are using strong bleaching products which can cause skin irritation. Careful consideration on this matter is given priority. There are some undesirable risks for this procedure.

How to safely lighten dark tops

There are a lot of whitening products available in the market for use to lighten the dark spots. The most effective bleaching active ingredient is Hydroquinone. You can apply it topically to the dark areas of the body. It offers a significantly fast whitening results.

However, the use of Hydroquinone in some parts of the countries is runs counter to medical organizations. This is because of its adverse events. Yet it is still the most effective and safest product to use to whiten the pigmented dark areas. But for the intimate areas such as vagina, anal area, and tops, this product lack endorsement by medical practitioners.

Are They Safe and Effective?

Bleaching products which are safe may not give good results in the length of time given. The application and the amount of creams used may differ. This is because absorption and whitening results for darker skin is not similar in other skin colors.

And for those individuals having sensitive skin, they should exercise caution. Before applying any topical products for bleaching, they should perform a sensitivity test first. They should place a small amount on one area of the hand and wait for at least 5 to 10 minutes. A positive sensitivity test will have redness and swelling on the area of application. It means that the product is not safe for them to use. If nothing happens, they can continue application as directed.

But they need to carefully observe any untoward reactions of the skin. These include rashes, redness, itching and swelling on dark areas. Otherwise, they must stop using the product as these adverse reactions can give rise further to skin irritations. They should apply the cream or lotion to the dark areas only to the treatment area. This is to avoid lightening of other parts of the skin that will result to uneven skin tone.

Other Products

Other products which is for bleaching dark tops and areolas are natural whitening lotions. One example is concentrate Vitamin C. It is a strong anti-oxidant which can block melanin. This prevents the accumulation of pigments in outer skin layers.

Another natural whitening product is liquorice root extract. The liquorice is available as fine or coarse powder. Place one to two spoonfuls in 100 mL of water. The solution can be applied to sensitive areas such as tops and areolas. It can also be used in combination with Vitamin C by adding a teaspoon of lemon juice into it.

What are the important reminders to lighten tops effectively?

Top bleaching may not always be safe and effective for everybody. However, any lightening treatment may be done by taking into consideration these important reminders:

1. Hydration

Skin problems arise mostly because of dryness and inadequate hydration. Any skin irritation, rashes and chafing results from reduced moisture in the body. Dark areas form from the frequent rubbing or friction of constricted clothing such as bras and garter undergarments. Dark tops and areolas need some hydration, too.

2. Careful exfoliation

Since tops are the most sensitive areas of the body, there should be careful exfoliation procedure. This is done to prevent any irritation. Lightening creams plus exfoliation fasten the whitening process. This allows the product for easy absorption more fully. Dead skin come off effectively, causing a more even skin tone around the area. But be very careful with the use of exfoliating products. The application process should be mild and gentle enough not to cause skin breaks.

3. Use of top lightening ingredients

There are a lot of bleaching products in the market which offer effective whitening results. You should choose safe ingredients for daily use with no reported adverse events. Products with natural ingredients may be safe. However it will take longer time to achieve the desired results. If you are having sensitive skin, be very careful. Try to perform sensitivity test first before applying for longer use.


CANAE Pink Areola Lightening Whitening Bleaching Cream

This product contains vitamin E that makes the skin soft around the top. After using it you will see the difference. It reduces melanin in the skin case skin pigmentation. This product helps increase collagen production process even more efficient. It also makes the skin radiant.

Whitening Pinkish Repair Gel Cream for Lip Areola

The gel turns pink when it meets the air. Apply after waiting 15 minutes to allow the skin to absorb. Massage until absorbed every day, It could restrain synthesis of melanin. Suitable to be used in the dry area of lips, underarms, chest, bottom areas, armpit and other intimate regions!

Vovotrade Cream Lip Private Part Areola Bleaching

This product is suitable for sensitive parts and can inhibit the synthesis of melanin.

Do you want to know more about skin whitening and lightening products? Read our other articles now!

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